Is there radiation, pollution and noise in photovoltaic power generation? Here comes the scientific analysis! Feb 28, 2024

Photovoltaic power generation is the direct conversion of light energy into direct current energy through the characteristics of semiconductors, and then the direct current is converted into alternating current that can be used by us through the inverter. Photovoltaic system is composed of photovoltaic modules, supports, DC cables, inverters, AC cables, distribution cabinets, transformers, etc., of which the support is not charged, naturally will not produce electromagnetic radiation. Photovoltaic modules and DC cables, inside is DC current, the direction does not change, can only produce electric fields, can not produce magnetic fields.

Although the output transformer is AC, the frequency is very low, only 50Hz, and the magnetic field generated is very low. Inverter is the direct current into alternating current equipment, which has a power electronic conversion, the frequency is generally 5-20KHz, so it will produce alternating electric field, so it will also produce electromagnetic radiation. The state has strict standards for the electromagnetic compatibility of photovoltaic inverters.

The electromagnetic radiation of photovoltaic inverters, compared with household appliances, is about the same as that of laptops, lower than induction stoves, hair dryers, refrigerators. Therefore, the construction of photovoltaic power stations will not only not cause harm to human health, but also provide green and clean high-quality energy for the earth, which is the future direction of human energy development.

Manufacturing processes are not "energy intensive"
Do not know how many people slander that photovoltaic power generation is high pollution, high energy consumption in the manufacturing process, such rumors spread more than once.

Photovoltaic manufacturing industry mainly includes crystal silicon purification, silicon ingot silicon wafers, photovoltaic cells and photovoltaic modules four links. Among them, crystal silicon purification needs to be completed under high temperature conditions, which needs to consume a lot of electric energy, accounting for about 56-72% of the total energy consumption, is the most important chemical production process in the industrial chain; The "high pollution" comes from by-products produced in the production of high-purity polysilicon.

Crystal silicon purification is indeed a large-scale, high-energy industry. However, this does not mean that photovoltaic products are high energy consumption, and the total energy consumed in the production of photovoltaic modules needs to be converted into power consumption, and compared with the lifetime of the module. In 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "photovoltaic manufacturing industry standard Conditions", which stipulates that the power consumption of the polysilicon production process must be less than 120 KWH/kg; New construction and expansion projects must be less than 100 KWH/kg, which should be closer to the current world advanced level of energy consumption.

This conversion, in line with the national regulations of photovoltaic power consumption, the production of a watt of photovoltaic modules need 0.6-1.2 degrees of electricity. According to the 25-year life of photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic power generation is far greater than production consumption.

No noise, no emissions

These two points are relatively easy to understand, photovoltaic power generation is to convert solar energy into electricity, is photoelectric conversion, the process will not produce noise, there will be no pollution emissions, very suitable for installation in residential and industrial and commercial roofs.

In recent years, the hot development of distributed photovoltaic, most of them are suitable for installation on the roof of photovoltaic power generation, with the function of energy saving and emission reduction, but also heat insulation and waterproof.

Many factories and residents have installed photovoltaic power stations on the roof, and we can actually feel the noise-free and emission-free power generation process.

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